My last day

​It is hard to believe that today I will finish. Alot of different things are going thru my mind this morning as I prepare to ride. I am trying to sort through them, but there are just so many thoughts and emotions tangled together that I wasn’t expecting. 

For now, I am going to just enjoy the ride and figure out the rest as the day goes. 

Finished my ride today around 3:30. I am still trying to process is all, but for now, we are celebrating. Full pictures and blog will be posted soon. 


  1. Mrs Mosely, I have continued to be amazed following your journey across our great land. I would love for you to come to the White House upon completion, so we could meet. I would like to discuss the possibility of a photo shoot on bicycles to enhance my image among outdoors cycling enthusiast. I see you ride a Trek E bike.does Trek offer a 3 wheel E bike? Last time I rode a 2 wheeler, I fell over. Now Jill makes me use a Walker to go pee in the middle of the night. Looking forward to hearing from you. And again, congratulations on your accomplishment!

    1. Can’t wait to meet you- V.

  2. Vicki, I’m so proud of you for your biking accomplishment. I’m so impressed that President Biden acknowledges your achievement also. What an honor.!! Maybe Jack, Cliff, Poddy & I could accompany you to Washington. Jack and Cliff could be part of your security detail on their e~bikes. Anyway! JOB WELL DONE VICKI!!!

  3. You are my Shero! You believed in yourself and you did it! Determination and grit and a wonderful story to share for years to come!! Proud of you sister friend!

  4. Lance Armstrong here. What a fabulous epic journey of a lifetime! May I ask, how in the world you rode a bicycle from San Diego, California to St Augustine, Florida without the use of performance enhancing drugs? I surely could not. Absolutely amazing!

  5. Garnett McMillanMay 3, 2023 at 1:50 PM

    Vicki, that I’m impressed with your achievement is an understatement. Your “fantastic voyage” is just that…FANTASTIC. Your mental toughness (mind over matter) is truly inspirational, to say nothing of your physical strength and indurance. I don’t believe I could have even planned the trip, much less completed the first 50 miles. CONGRATULATIONS; you’ve got TRUE GRIT!!

    BTW, please give my warm regards to my two old friends Joe and Lance. Maybe the three of you can arrange a photo op in D.C.

  6. I like your plan for the last day. Enjoy the ride. Quoting the old Virginia Slims slogan, “You’ve come a long way baby!”

  7. You are my hero. I've never met anyone who can ride like you do. Tell all those naysayers to kiss it. You're number one as far as I'm concerned. Keep on riding as long as you can.

    1. thankyou Anonymous! wish I knew who you are🤔

  8. So proud of you. Congratulations ❤️🙏😎

  9. Caitlin (Bruce) JennerMay 4, 2023 at 4:36 AM

    Vicki, I have been following you since you got on the train in Atlanta heading to California to commence this lifetime dream ride across America. All I can say is, you go girl! You should have your picture on a box of Wheaties too! Because you are indeed a CHAMPION!

  10. I thought you were crazy when you were talking about doing this with David and even more so alone but GOD blessed you and protected you and have you the grace to do this amazing ride! So very proud of you! David must have been rooting you on from heaven too! Love ya!


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