“I Want that Mountain”

Just as Caleb wanted his mountain for 40 years after spying out the Promise Land, I too want my mountain! The success of making this climb is a huge part of my journey. The courage, the dedication, the determination to continue to climb, facing all the obstacles, will reinforce in me that I am strong and that with the Lord's help, I will have my mountain far beyond the Emory Pass.

Today's ride from ​Lordsburg to Tyrone was a climb of 1,572 feet to 5,767 feet. As we went higher, the northern wind grew very cold and strong, whipping around our bikes. At many points, we felt like our bikes would be blown out from underneath us. We stayed the course and kept pedaling, finishing our 41-mile day. 

Today, we passed a Continental Divide sign that displayed an elevation of 6,355 ft. But we are going even higher tomorrow to another point on the Divide. We will crest the Divide at another point, Emory Pass, which has an elevation of 8,828 feet. We also passed a large copper mine near Tyrone. Another thing we thought was quite interesting were the toilets that lined the road! Of course, we had to stop for a picture. 

Thankful for another good day of riding. Tonight, we are hosted by a sweet couple in the Warm Showers program. 

Tomorrow, we continue the climb upward!

When you have time - check out Hendrika's Blog

Ruby and Me

Beautiful Vista

We'll beat that tomorrow!

Having lunch on a boulder

Tyrone Copper Mine

Inside Tyrone Copper Mine

First generation Port-A-Potties

"The Thinker" by Mrs. Rodin


  1. Love it! Keep climbing girls ❤️🥳

  2. You and Hendrika are making a lot of progress. The Copper Mine looks amazing. Wishing you both a warm restful night and a great day tomorrow. Sending love.

  3. Such inspiration ❣️ So proud of you 😘

  4. Whoot! Whoot!! The Lord is always with you on this journey!!! You guys are doing great!!! CindyB

  5. Yay! What a milestone, crossing the Divide! You two are doing great!


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