All Roads lead to the Mountain 3-31-2023

​All roads lead to the mountains, no matter where we are. Today we climbed with a tail wind to Van Horn, making our ride of 65 miles easy and enjoyable.

Once we stopped at the grocery store, we started looking for campgrounds. The usual, no tents allowed, or too expensive, lead us to the Van Horn RV Campground. While we were negotiating with the owner, a lady behind us whispered to me, “you can stay with me”, then a lady behind her said the same, then a couple again said it. The wind was blowing again really bad, so we took the first lady’s invitation. After a while, 3 other single women RVers came by, and we all enjoyed meeting each other and sharing stories why we each are doing what we do. It was a good evening, had a shower, and now getting ready for bed inside her motorhome.

Tomorrow, we leave for Marfa, a 74-mile day. Everything is charged and ready to go. So thankful to be out of the wind and inside tonight. 

When you have time - check out Hendrika's Blog

Mountains Ahead

Unusual Rock Formation

Rest Stop

Life Savers

The Welcome Sign we "Expected" to see


  1. Once again, the Lord showed y’all favor ❤️ keep on peddling girls! Jerry and I watching the map where y’all go next :)

  2. Sounds like you are doing great. Keep in keeping on. ❤️πŸ™πŸ˜Ž

  3. I love this blog and being able to keep up! The kindness from strangers along the way makes my heart smile πŸ’—

    1. ^ love - Lacey and Timmy!

    2. thankyou Lacey for following! think about you guys so much!

  4. Wow! This is so great! So very well done! I love the updates and the photos! Keep up the great work!


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