

         San Francisco to St Augustine                      3/1/23 to 5/3/23  I completed my bicycle journey that began March 1st in San Francisco. A journey that was planned in 2017 by David and me, but because of life’s circumstances, never moved past the planning stages. After David passed away in Sept 2021, I began to “finish the dreams” we had in our bucket list. One by one, with help from his lifelong friend, Cliff Goodlet, teaching me the many aspects of touring, the Natchez Trace and now the Southern Tier has completed what together David and I were planning. I could never have made it without Cliff being my eyes and ears, routing me from Austin when I went solo and keeping Hendrika and I from being turned around so many times. He “rode “this journey with me from his chair and computer, always having “eyes "on me for my safety. It seemed perfect having him ride the last 50 miles with me. It all began with an Amtrak ride from Atlanta to Emeryville, accompanied by my friend

Metrics - The Last Day - The Last 55 miles

  The Last 55

The Whole Trip (minus San Francisco to San Diego)


My last day

​It is hard to believe that today I will finish. Alot of different things are going thru my mind this morning as I prepare to ride. I am trying to sort through them, but there are just so many thoughts and emotions tangled together that I wasn’t expecting.  For now, I am going to just enjoy the ride and figure out the rest as the day goes.  Finished my ride today around 3:30. I am still trying to process is all, but for now, we are celebrating. Full pictures and blog will be posted soon. 

Day 9: Flying Solo

​From Perry to Gainsville, 70 miles, great tailwind, some sidewinds in places, but overall, a good ride. I passed a couple of riders heading west, and 3 that are finishing this week too. Cliff and Poddy left Rock Spring Georgia this morning early to be here for my last day of riding tomorrow. After a wonderful dinner with them, I am settled in my room, thinking about how surreal it seems. Hoping to be able to process it all tomorrow as I ride my last 50 miles.  Carb loaded breakfast for a 70-mile day Ruby and I stopping to enjoy the flowers Ruby wanted a shot without me in it Arrived at the motel

Today's Metrics 5-2-2023

 Tailwind = Fast Ride!

Day 8: Flying Solo

​Today was a short day of riding with 50 miles, but a long day getting started. Special thanks to The Great Bicycle Shop in Tallahasee for making a house call to fix Rubys tire. I tried all thru the night and early this morning to get the tube off with no success. He comes and within  a few minutes had it off. He said its all in the thumbs.. Mine apparently are not strong enough! Finally, around 1:00,  I left the motel.  Nothing grande about the scenery or road today, other than a terrible smell all the way. Besides that, it was just a straight shot to Perry. Nice tailwinds, some headwinds, good side to ride on made for an enjoyable day. Topped it off with Chicken Alfredo and a salad for dinner, a warm shower and soft bed. Life is good on the road.  A nice comfortable hotel from a dear friend for our anniversary today.

Today's Metrics 5-1-2023

Winds were out of the WNW today at 10-25 mph. My first 25 miles were mostly easterly, so I enjoyed the extra push. My last 25 miles I turned southward, and the winds were not as helpful. As a side wind, they kept trying to push me into the roadway. But it was a good day as you can tell by my average speed and moving pace. I'm enjoying a great Italian Meal at Mama's Italian Restaurant tonight. I'll upload a more complete blog for the day later. Mama Mia itza good food!

Day 7: Flying Solo, Chapter 3

​Today was such an amazing day filled with several “first” for me. The roads, tailwind, and scenery were beautiful, which made for a great day to add some extra miles.  There is something about riding a century with Ruby. I’ve done 110 before, but never 121 miles! We were both at our best today. Nothing to prove by doing it, I just love the distance and speed. As I was riding, I looked up and there was a white van pulled over to the side with a young family, clapping and cheering me on. As I stopped to talk with them, it made my day. It really doesn't take much to just be kind and encouraging to people.  About midway, I stopped at McDonalds to plug in Ruby for a bit, ate lunch, and took back off. I assume that's where I messed up my RWGPS, when I decided to go more. I’m really good at doing that🤷‍♀️But, we finished strong. Another “first” for me today: I had my “first” flat for this entire trip. I consider that really good when I read most people have several. So, this means m

Today's Metrics 4-30-2023

 Well, I think I've found the secret to "Fast Endurance Cycling." It involves eating a Domino's Pizza in bed during a thunderstorm the night before your ride. That will make you go fast the next day. Oh, and having a 20-mph tailwind helps as well. I was originally going to take two days to go from Panama City to Tallahassee. But with the tailwind, I literally flew my first 66 miles. So, I decided to go another 55 miles. Unfortunately, I only have one Metric for the first 66.3 miles. The second Metric stopped working at mile 34. So, I'm going to put up the entire 121-mile route. I'm sure my Metrics would have been similar had RWGPS not crapped out on me the second half. I got my century! and then some to boot. 😀 Metric #1 - The First 66.3 miles My Entire Route for the Day - 121 miles

Tourists Day

​Well, Guess I chickened out racing to stay ahead of the storm today, so decided I would enjoy the beach again. Will send pictures later as I see what I can find to do until the weather changes.  Later…..I’m going to go be a tourist and “smell the roses.”  Not today, Thank You! ...but maybe I should have😒 That didn’t work out so good for me. Severe storms, no beach or shopping, just Dominoes delivered. Now I have crazy headwinds for my first 35 miles to fight tomorrow. Lesson learned, “make hay while the sun shines”, I think is how it goes. Anyways, tomorrow is a new day! The clouds were a boiling cauldron of darkness. Another lonely soul braving the storm The sea was angry this day, my friends. I could have beaten this but....  Watch it rain backwards

Day 5 of Flying Solo : Chapter 3

​Seems like day 3 and 4 disappeared. After my back-to-back long days, I woke up with sore knees screaming for a break. The Pastor asked me to stay so that the church members could meet me Wednesday night. I was so glad that I did. I immediately felt like family.  Thursday morning the storms came thru and set in for the day. Br Richard hauled Ruby and I to my host for the evening in Gulf Breeze.  It was so good to see Georgie and Denny Payne. It’s been a long time since they moved from Murfreesboro to work at their son's church. This morning, I left early to head towards Panama City. With a good tail wind behind me and my head zeroed in on my ride, Ruby and I made amazing time. Probably one of my best days.  I rode the coast most of way. I love the beach, especially this side, so I decided to get a motel and spend some time watching the waves. Something about the sound of the ocean calms my heart, which I needed today. I also went out to eat at a restaurant alone today but won’t be

Today's Metrics - 4-28-2023

 I had a great tailwind, and I was in the zone. My best average speed the entire trip - 16.5 mph. My fastest moving pace of the entire trip - 3:38. I'm proud of my good day. I'm feeling like I might pop a "century ride" before this is over. 😏

Day 2 of Chapter 3 Mississippi to Alabama

​Sorry I didn’t get this posted last night. After getting settled at the church parsonage, I joined my hosts for dinner. We enjoyed the meal and fellowship so much that I stayed until 8:30, then fell asleep when I sat down on the bed. I left Biloxi after a good night's rest at 7:00 am. My goal for the day was to just make it across the ferry on Dauphin Island, but was there at 1:30 for the 2:00 boat, which left 3 available afterwards! Since David and I had ridden this route a couple of times in the past, I chose to take the 2:00pm ferry. Lots of sweet memories as I went back in time. I always enjoy watching how much attention Ruby creates when she’s fully loaded. People share their dream of riding. Some that are “just a dream” while others have gone from the dream to the plans, asking lots of questions and advice. Then there are those that are amazed that riding a bike across country is even doable. And of course, there are those that think you are just crazy🤣 All leading to inter