
Showing posts from March, 2023

All Roads lead to the Mountain 3-31-2023

​All roads lead to the mountains, no matter where we are. Today we climbed with a tail wind to Van Horn, making our ride of 65 miles easy and enjoyable. Once we stopped at the grocery store, we started looking for campgrounds. The usual, no tents allowed, or too expensive, lead us to the Van Horn RV Campground. While we were negotiating with the owner, a lady behind us whispered to me, “you can stay with me”, then a lady behind her said the same, then a couple again said it. The wind was blowing again really bad, so we took the first lady’s invitation. After a while, 3 other single women RVers came by, and we all enjoyed meeting each other and sharing stories why we each are doing what we do. It was a good evening, had a shower, and now getting ready for bed inside her motorhome. Tomorrow, we leave for Marfa, a 74-mile day. Everything is charged and ready to go. So thankful to be out of the wind and inside tonight.  When you have time -  check out Hendrika's Blog Mountains Ahead Un

Long day Across Texas

At 5:30 am, we went to McDonalds to get an early start to our long ride. Whoever heard of McDonald’s not having tea or coffee in the morning! We enjoyed our BOGO Egg McMuffin though and headed out. Getting out of El Paso was quit an ordeal, but once we were on I20, we had new asphalt and little traffic. We were able to stay ahead of the wind until we were 74 miles into the ride. Around 1:00, it started, and we had to seek shelter from the dust storms. I stopped at a horse farm to ask if we could pitch our tents somewhere. Cowboys are so nice and polite! This is a breeding and barrel racing farm. The horses are really pretty. The wind has gotten so unbelievably strong, that we are unable to set the tents up, so we are just charging the girls and waiting to see what happens. This is definitely a new experience for us. Guess this is what “wild camping” is or maybe its just called “not confirming a place to stay”. Looks like we are moving into a horse trailer for the night. Definitely its

Today's Metrics 3-30-2023

 Well, we did it! Beat the wind and found a place to stay. More later if I can maintain reception. Nearly everything you see to the left of our route (the little red line) is Mexico. 74 miles with an average speed of 13.7mph - not bad if I say so myself!

Here we come Texas!

​This morning we woke up to 32 degrees. By the time we packed the tents and loaded the bikes , our hands and toes were froze. John and Debbie, the ones with the green grass, invited us in to warm up. They are really nice people. Thankful for the grass and electricity.  Todays ride was a long stretch of just road. When finally coming into Texas , we were a little disappointed with their sign, or maybe we just came across the state line at the wrong spot. However, we are excited to be entering our 4th state.  Our 53 mile ride ended us at Motel 6 in El Paso. It is a busy city, full of malls, familiar restaurants, lots of cars, trucks and noise, unlike New Mexico with its agriculture and vast land. I think I like the simplicity of New Mexico the best. After going to the grocery store and Kentucky Fried Chicken, we are preparing for tomorrow's long day of 80 miles. The next several days will also be long miles thru isolated areas. There will be no luxuries of McDonalds or Sonic Tea. McD

Today's Metrics 3-29-2023

 We rode in from the badlands of New  Mexico and  at last, here I am on the hill, overlooking El Paso.  I can see Rosa's cantina below. It's great to have cell phone coverage again. Metrics and route - 3/29/2023 When you have time -  check out Hendrika's Blog

Just a Regular Day

​This morning we left Hillsboro at 7:30, 30-degree weather, with clear skies. Of course, right off we had to climb our way over the mountain, but eventually settled in on a comfortable long stretch of rolling hills. We had some head and tail winds thru out the day but ended with riding 65 miles.  Our route took us south. We went thru New Mexico’s agriculture area, saw a huge lake in the middle of no where, ate at a little Mexican cafe that was really yummy, and ended at our destination, Radium Springs, to find the campground was no longer open. Our only option at that point was to find a kind neighbor that would let us pitch our tent on their property and charge the girls. I chose to start with the only house that had green grass, Kentucky 31 actually, something you don’t see here much. To my surprise they immediately said yes! We set up camp, fixed our dinners, hooked the girls up and are settling in for the night. All in all, today was an uneventful, anticlimactic day after yesterday

To the Top! 3-27-2023

This morning we left Tyrone headed East towards the Emory Pass. A good night's sleep, batteries charged, no wind, rain or cold. It was a perfect day!  We passed one of the largest copper mines in New Mexico that stretched as far as you could see. Pictures just couldn’t do it justice.  Even though there was a constant 6% incline from when we left, the real  climb began with an increase to a 10% incline.  The Pass was closed to cars due to road construction, but open to cyclists. We slid the bikes under the gates and the climb was on! As we rode, I remembered David always telling me to swerve my way up a hill and make the turns on the inside. Staying focused, I worked my way climbing doing just that and thought how he would be smiling that I remembered. I know that he is so very proud of me.  There are no words to describe not only the experience, but the beauty of the climb. The sound of the creeks, the smell of the cedar trees, the quietness of it being just us, was like nothing we

“I Want that Mountain”

Just as Caleb wanted his mountain for 40 years after spying out the Promise Land, I too want my mountain! The success of making this climb is a huge part of my journey. The courage, the dedication, the determination to continue to climb, facing all the obstacles, will reinforce in me that I am strong and that with the Lord's help, I will have my mountain far beyond the Emory Pass. Today's ride from ​Lordsburg to Tyrone was a climb of 1,572 feet to 5,767 feet. As we went higher, the northern wind grew very cold and strong, whipping around our bikes. At many points, we felt like our bikes would be blown out from underneath us. We stayed the course and kept pedaling, finishing our 41-mile day.  Today, we passed a Continental Divide sign that displayed an elevation of 6,355 ft. But we are going even higher tomorrow to another point on the Divide. We will crest the Divide at another point, Emory Pass, which has an elevation of 8,828 feet. We also passed a large copper mine near Tyro