
Showing posts from April, 2023

Day 7: Flying Solo, Chapter 3

​Today was such an amazing day filled with several “first” for me. The roads, tailwind, and scenery were beautiful, which made for a great day to add some extra miles.  There is something about riding a century with Ruby. I’ve done 110 before, but never 121 miles! We were both at our best today. Nothing to prove by doing it, I just love the distance and speed. As I was riding, I looked up and there was a white van pulled over to the side with a young family, clapping and cheering me on. As I stopped to talk with them, it made my day. It really doesn't take much to just be kind and encouraging to people.  About midway, I stopped at McDonalds to plug in Ruby for a bit, ate lunch, and took back off. I assume that's where I messed up my RWGPS, when I decided to go more. I’m really good at doing that🤷‍♀️But, we finished strong. Another “first” for me today: I had my “first” flat for this entire trip. I consider that really good when I read most people have several. So, this means m

Today's Metrics 4-30-2023

 Well, I think I've found the secret to "Fast Endurance Cycling." It involves eating a Domino's Pizza in bed during a thunderstorm the night before your ride. That will make you go fast the next day. Oh, and having a 20-mph tailwind helps as well. I was originally going to take two days to go from Panama City to Tallahassee. But with the tailwind, I literally flew my first 66 miles. So, I decided to go another 55 miles. Unfortunately, I only have one Metric for the first 66.3 miles. The second Metric stopped working at mile 34. So, I'm going to put up the entire 121-mile route. I'm sure my Metrics would have been similar had RWGPS not crapped out on me the second half. I got my century! and then some to boot. 😀 Metric #1 - The First 66.3 miles My Entire Route for the Day - 121 miles

Tourists Day

​Well, Guess I chickened out racing to stay ahead of the storm today, so decided I would enjoy the beach again. Will send pictures later as I see what I can find to do until the weather changes.  Later…..I’m going to go be a tourist and “smell the roses.”  Not today, Thank You! ...but maybe I should have😒 That didn’t work out so good for me. Severe storms, no beach or shopping, just Dominoes delivered. Now I have crazy headwinds for my first 35 miles to fight tomorrow. Lesson learned, “make hay while the sun shines”, I think is how it goes. Anyways, tomorrow is a new day! The clouds were a boiling cauldron of darkness. Another lonely soul braving the storm The sea was angry this day, my friends. I could have beaten this but....  Watch it rain backwards

Day 5 of Flying Solo : Chapter 3

​Seems like day 3 and 4 disappeared. After my back-to-back long days, I woke up with sore knees screaming for a break. The Pastor asked me to stay so that the church members could meet me Wednesday night. I was so glad that I did. I immediately felt like family.  Thursday morning the storms came thru and set in for the day. Br Richard hauled Ruby and I to my host for the evening in Gulf Breeze.  It was so good to see Georgie and Denny Payne. It’s been a long time since they moved from Murfreesboro to work at their son's church. This morning, I left early to head towards Panama City. With a good tail wind behind me and my head zeroed in on my ride, Ruby and I made amazing time. Probably one of my best days.  I rode the coast most of way. I love the beach, especially this side, so I decided to get a motel and spend some time watching the waves. Something about the sound of the ocean calms my heart, which I needed today. I also went out to eat at a restaurant alone today but won’t be

Today's Metrics - 4-28-2023

 I had a great tailwind, and I was in the zone. My best average speed the entire trip - 16.5 mph. My fastest moving pace of the entire trip - 3:38. I'm proud of my good day. I'm feeling like I might pop a "century ride" before this is over. 😏

Day 2 of Chapter 3 Mississippi to Alabama

​Sorry I didn’t get this posted last night. After getting settled at the church parsonage, I joined my hosts for dinner. We enjoyed the meal and fellowship so much that I stayed until 8:30, then fell asleep when I sat down on the bed. I left Biloxi after a good night's rest at 7:00 am. My goal for the day was to just make it across the ferry on Dauphin Island, but was there at 1:30 for the 2:00 boat, which left 3 available afterwards! Since David and I had ridden this route a couple of times in the past, I chose to take the 2:00pm ferry. Lots of sweet memories as I went back in time. I always enjoy watching how much attention Ruby creates when she’s fully loaded. People share their dream of riding. Some that are “just a dream” while others have gone from the dream to the plans, asking lots of questions and advice. Then there are those that are amazed that riding a bike across country is even doable. And of course, there are those that think you are just crazy🤣 All leading to inter